Sunday, May 3, 2009

Well it has been a while since our last posting, so I thought I better get on and update. Kirk finished up his winter semester and has begun his long hard hours of studying for the DAT! Time has gone by so fast for us here, we still can't believe the big test is only 1 month away!! But we are excited to get it over with. We have been here in Utah for a year now and still are enjoying it. Kirk and I just celebrated two years being married in April! Wohoo! We are still enjoying that also:)

This Memorial Day weekend was a lot of fun, we headed up to Paul to visit the fam! We went fishing, relaxed & ate lots of food. It was great!
This is our day on the lake

We only cought one fish on our first loop just about 10 min. in. It was on Kirk's pole, but he was putting on sunscreen right when the fish bit so I got to reel it in. Sadly, it was our only fish of the day.

Grandpa & Grandma even joined us for a little bit

After that it got pretty chilly

Dad & Mom

Brian & Kelsie


Krista said...

Oh my lanta, was that a post from Falycia. It looks like you had some fun, fishing. Bummer the weather got a little chilly, but was it really cold or cold according to Falycia's standards?:)

Sterzers said...

Yay you posted again!!! Fun times! We miss you guys tons!!!